Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Food and Family....

As a first generation Korean-American, I thought it might be a nice tribute to my family to take a minute and talk about why food and my experiences with food are so important to me. I grew up bi-racial, 100% Korean mom, and Irish/English/French dad. My Korean side of the family is huge - and LOVES to cook, eat, and celebrate almost anything together. My Korean family is what influenced my thoughts on food and how important food can be to a culture. It's not just about the consumption, it's about the process of growing, nurturing and appreciating it. My family grew up in a small town in Korea - they farmed off their land and ate whatever they grew or raised. My grandmother, was a devout Buddhist and maintained a strictly vegan diet throughout her amazing 96 years of life. I was taught that food is much more than something put on a table for consumption, it is about family, and bringing people together, no matter the occasion. I would be remiss to not mention the fact that I married a 100% Italian man....his love of food only compounded my love of experiencing it. However, my very first post has to be a shout out and tribute to all the amazingly strong women in my family who have cooked, served, and entertained for decades!

My grandmother and aunt picking scallions from their garden in Rhode Island.

The Lee family ladies at my wedding.

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